inMental Health,Nursing|No Comments


又来了。另一个论文主题列表。这次是心理健康专题。The last time, it was a list ofnursing research titles.

After delving into mental health nursing literature for hours upon hours, I’ve created this list for students of all levels in higher education but most of these working titles will suit undergrad and master level courses better.

I’ve included a number of research subjects in this list. So you’ll hopefully find whatever you’re looking for.

浏览一遍列表,选择你喜欢的头衔,在你把它交给你的主管之前,调整它以符合你的需求。I have another post onpsychiatric nursing dissertation topics我相信你会发现它很有用,所以不要忘记去看看。

So, here’s your list of ideas for nursing dissertation topics in mental health.

Note:You may have come to this post after searching for topics related to dementia. This post had dementia topics included before. Considering the ample need of the topics, we have made a seperate post fordissertation topics on dementia.

List of Dissertation Topics in Mental Health Nursing:

Mental health nursing care needed for women after a miscarriage- a scoping review.


Over exposure to digital devices: Mental health issues and nursing demands.

Too good to quit: Pregnancy weight gain and mental health effects on thin women.

War affected families and mental health training for nurses in the UK.


Suicide related mental health issues and nursing challenges: Studying teenagers in Britain.

Coping with the suicide of one’s partner: Challenges for British nursing professionals.

Care for grieving friends of soldiers killed in action: War on Terror and Britain.


How effective is an evidence-based practice for mental health? A grounded theory research of mental health nurses in the UK.

Mental health nurses and burnout- is there a solution?

How are mental health nurses able to show compassion and care despite burnout? A phenomenological study.

A grounded theory survey of what mental health nurses consider to better inform their practice- evidence-based literature or professional experience?


A literature-based evaluation of challenges in primary research of borderline personality disorder patients in mental health units- complications for nurses and researchers.

Training mental health nurses using standardized mental health patients- an investigation of ethical issues and challenges.

What are the key safety protocols followed by mental health nurses in the UK? A systematic literature review.

Identification of the core competencies of mental health nurses in the UK for role identification and justification of care practices- an extended literature review.

The challenges faced by mental health nurses in the differentiation of physical and mental health inpatients.

Mental health nurses’ training and competencies in screening for Intimate Partner Violence in the UK- a survey.


A systematic review of the prevalence of substance abuse among mental health nurses in the UK.

The competency requirements of nurse anaesthetists in mental health units in the UK.

The scope of mental health nurses knowledge of patients’ physical health issues in the UK- a review.




How do mental health nurses establish boundaries for intimacy and sexual connection with emotionally disturbed patients in the UK? A qualitative survey.

A cross-sectional survey for the key reasons for mental health nurses shortages in the UK.

The conscious commitment of professional educational institutions to train mental health nurses for an effective workforce in the UK- a review.

What motivates mental health nurses to care for patients? A phenomenological study.



How do mental health nurses in the UK view euthanasia? A qualitative recount of witness to mental suffering and impact on euthanasia beliefs.


The core competencies of mental health nurses enabling suicide risk assessment among psychiatric patients in the UK- an extended literature review.

There you go. Use the list well and let us know if you have any comments or suggestions for our topics related blog posts for the future orlooking to get help with dissertation writing, send us an email

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