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在我之前发表管理会计论文主题之后,我开始收到有关财务会计论文主题的数字查询。所以这是给你们的,有了这篇关于财务会计的文章,我们就完成了会计论文的主题系列。After doing thorough research, reading the previously written dissertations, and research […]

一份财务会计论文题目的清单已被汇编,以方便学生在他们的学术努力。After my previous post onaccounting and finance dissertation topics,我开始收到有关财务会计论文主题的数字咨询。所以这是给你的,伙计们,有了这篇文章,我们在这里完成了会计论文主题系列。

After doing thorough research, reading the previously written dissertations, and research journals in this field, I have been able to collect and enumerate the list of financial accounting research topics to facilitate students in their academic efforts.

I believe, an already compiled list of financial accounting topics examples can facilitate students by giving them different options to choose from, and to inspire the research genius inside you so that they get help when looking for financial accounting topics. In this collection, I have tried to combine different aspects of dissertation topics in financial accounting at one place. Please feel free to browse and consider these when developing ideas for dissertation writing in financial accounting.

List of Financial accounting dissertation topics


A review of the global practices in accounting for fixed assets.


An exploratory study on the modes of fixed asset financing and efficacy of these modes.

An analysis of UK SMEs and their fixed asset accounting practices.

How do insurance companies value and account for liabilities?

An empirical perspective on contingent liabilities in the public sector- case study UK.

The criteria used by American banks to assess long term loans.




How effective is shareholder opinion on firm performance?

An analysis of the process of shareholder value creation.

Cash flows in the hospitality industry- analysis of the UK restaurant sector.

Accruals and cash flow statements- systematic review of literature.

A review of cash flow reporting practices around the world.



An empirical analysis of growth and failure patterns of firms based on financial ratio analysis.

Financial ratio analysis of firms following IFRS recommendations for lease accounting.

How reliable is bankruptcy forecasting based on financial ratio analysis? an empirical research within the UK.

Differences in global financial reporting practices and their impact on consolidated financial statements of multinationals.


An investigative analysis of the impact of financial reporting on enterprise risk - a global perspective.


Earnings management through classification shifting- an empirical review.



Have UK firms had to make procedural changes after implementation of IFRS on earning management?

JIT Inventory Systems- a qualitative exploration of the practical implementation across industries.

Relevance of Optimal Control Theory in inventory management- an investigative analysis.

An evaluation of Inventory control methodologies in UK hospitals.

A review of the financial structure of supply chains and maintenance of inventory levels in Hong Kong.

How have recent changes in Goodwill accounting affected reporting in financial statements in the US?

Mergers, acquisitions, goodwill and stock pricing- exploring the established relationships through systematic review.


The effect of goodwill on relevance of accounting information for decision-making- a systematic review from around the globe.


There you go. Use the list well and let us know if you have any comments or suggestions for our topics related blog posts for the future orlooking to get help with dissertation writing, send us an email

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